Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Wedding Video

DSC_0026, originally uploaded by ilovefab4.

We just celebrated our sixth anniversary. Normally, you might watch your wedding video on that day, but not us. Why not? Because we watch the wedding video EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

That's right. Colin is obsessed with the wedding video. From the brides' preparations to the guests arriving to the dancing, and everything in between, he's seen it all, probably hundreds of times.

He likes to recognize people, laugh at Boppy's jokes during the welcome, or Uncle Bill's jokes during the toast. He also loves to watch Mommy dance to Brick House (I won't say having your preschooler watch you dance over and over is not a tad bit creepy), and he also, apparently, has every song from the reception memorized, which we realized tonight when he heard "Let's Hear it for the Boy" and immediately recognized it as "from the wedding video!"

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